At Azerbaıjan Fısh Farm LLC, sustaınabılıty is not just a goal - ıt's a fundamental aspect of our operatıons.
Fısh Release Program
For every jar of caviar sold, we release 10 sturgeon back into the Caspian Sea. This initiative supports the replenishment of natural stocks and helps conserve endangered species.
Nutrıtıous Dıets and Chemıcal-Free Practıces
We’re proudly offıcıal dıstrıbute - Alltech Coppens
We believe that a nutritious diet is essential for the health and quality of our fish. All feed used at AFF undergoes rigorous quality assurance checks to ensure it is free from bacteria, fungi, and harmful chemicals. No antibiotics, carcinogens, or harmful chemicals are used on fish close to production stages, adhering to strict health and safety standards. This not only ensures the safety and quality of our products but also aligns with our sustainability goals.
Complıance wıth AMR and FDA Standards
Our operations meet the Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) standards and comply with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations in the USA, guaranteeing the highest quality and safety for our products.
Recırculatory Aquaculture System (RAS)
Our RAS technology allows for the recycling of water within our facilities, drastically reducing water usage and ensuring a controlled environment for fish farming.
We establish conditions that closely replicate natural habitats, such as maintaining proper water flow, temperature, and substrate.
Genetıc Dıversıty
It's crucial to maintain a wide and varied gene pool among sturgeon populations to prevent inbreeding, which can lead to genetic defects and weakened immune systems. By ensuring a rich genetic diversity, we support the overall health, resilience, and adaptability of sturgeon populations. This diversity enables sturgeon to better withstand environmental changes, diseases, and other challenges, thereby ensuring their long-term survival and viability. Maintaining genetic diversity also contributes to the robustness of future generations, allowing for continued growth and the preservation of these species in their natural habitats.
Certıfıed Excellence
AFF is proud to hold the Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) and Friend of the Sea certifications, recognizing our commitment to environmentally and socially responsible seafood production.
We also adhere to stringent international standards, holding certifications such as HALAL, HACCP, ISO, and partnering with the Blue Marine Organization. These certifications underscore our commitment to food safety, quality assurance, and sustainable practices.
Utılızatıon of Renewable Energy Sources
Implementing solar power and energy-efficient systems is essential for minimizing the farm's carbon footprint. These eco-friendly practices help optimize energy consumption, further enhancing sustainability efforts.
Azerbaijan Fish Farm
Research & Development
Our dedication to excellence is reflected in every aspect of our production. AFF collaborates with prestigious institutions, such as Kindai University in Japan, to conduct groundbreaking research on superfemale sturgeons, enhancing caviar yield and quality.
Furthermore, we are engaged in innovative research with the University of Bologna on caviar preservation using Cold-Plasma technology. This ongoing experiment, led by Professor Pietro Rocculi, involves applying cold plasma to caviar samples provided by AFF. The results, which will be shared with AFF and ADA, will contribute to a scientific article prepared by the collaborative efforts of ADA, AFF, and UNIBO researchers.
Supply Chain Transparency
Establishing traceability systems is crucial for monitoring the origin and journey of products from the fish farm to the consumer. By implementing these systems, every step of the supply chain can be tracked, ensuring that the products are sustainably and responsibly sourced. This transparency helps build consumer trust, as they can verify the quality and authenticity of the products they purchase. Additionally, it allows the farm to maintain high standards of accountability and address any issues that may arise promptly. Enhanced traceability systems not only support sustainable practices but also reinforce AFF’s commitment to providing high-quality, safe, and ethically sourced products.