27 October, 2024

Azerbaijan Fish Farm LLC (AFF) proudly announces a revolutionary achievement: the company has become the first sturgeon farming operation specializing in caviar production to receive the coveted Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification from the Global Seafood Alliance. This prestigious certification not only confirms AFF's commitment to sustainability but also solidifies its position as the world’s first caviar producer to achieve BAP certification.

As the global population continues to grow, the need for sustainable and responsible food production approaches becomes increasingly important. Aquaculture, or fish farming, has become a vital solution to supplement wild fisheries, which have reached their limits. BAP is the leading seafood certification program that examines every stage of the production process—from hatcheries to processing plants—ensuring the delivery of safe and reliable farm-raised seafood.

AFF's attainment of BAP certification highlights the company’s commitment to best practices in four key areas of responsible seafood production: environmental stewardship, social responsibility, food safety, and animal health and welfare. Since its inception in 2017, AFF has been at the forefront of innovative and sustainable fish farming and caviar production in Azerbaijan.

About Azerbaijan Fish Farm LLC: In 1954, one of the world’s first experimental aquaculture farms was established in the Neftchala district, pioneering sturgeon farming in the region. In 2017, the farm was privatized by AFF. AFF’s approach to sustainable aquaculture seamlessly blends traditional and modern farming techniques, exemplified by the use of a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS), cage farming, and modern coastal tanks.

The RAS system ensures optimal water quality and feed during the incubation and early stages of the fish’s life, creating an environment conducive to stress-free growth. AFF's distinctive capabilities include the use of both freshwater from the Kura River and saline water from the Caspian Sea. This unique combination mimics the natural habitat of sturgeon and plays a key role in ensuring the premium quality of the caviar.

AFF also stands out for its commitment to environmentally friendly practices and conservation efforts. The company organizes fish releases, releasing 10 sturgeons for every jar of caviar sold, helping to preserve the endangered sturgeon populations native to the Caspian Sea. This demonstrates AFF’s dedication to the ecosystem and reinforces the brand’s promises.

Today, Azerbaijan Fish Farm LLC exports premium caviar to prestigious markets, including the USA, UAE, Singapore, Hong Kong, and others. By obtaining BAP certification as a testament to its sustainability efforts, AFF reaffirms its commitment to responsible caviar production, setting an industry precedent and strengthening Azerbaijan’s prominent position in the global aquaculture arena.

About BAP Certification: The Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification is an internationally recognized program that evaluates and certifies responsible seafood production methods. BAP upholds environmental, social, food safety, and animal welfare standards throughout the entire aquaculture production chain, ensuring that consumers worldwide receive safe and sustainable farm-raised seafood.